Bloemendaal & Dekkers collaborates with UNStudio on Baumeister magazine
February 23, 2024

Bloemendaal & Dekkers, EDA Winner, Editoria Deisgn, Magazine, Netherlands
Earlier this year the creative agency Bloemendaal & Dekkers teamed up with UNStudio once more for the graphic design of “On Health – curated by UNStudio”, the June 2023 issue of German architecture magazine Baumeister.
Part of their task was to create a lay-out concept with powerful icons, line drawings and patterns reflecting UNStudio’s thinking and conceptual approach to be implemented in the existing framework of the magazine’s design.
In this edition, UNStudio explores the many ways in which architecture and urban planning affects our health from the mental to the physical and social. Broken down into three chapters, the issue also looks at the intersections of health with sustainability, technology and economics.