The European Design Festival restarts in Tallinn 2022

June 14, 2021

It might be that we have been forced for the last two years to stay on the virtual sphere, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t working on getting back on track. With this in mind Tallinn has been chosen as the city  that will welcome the European Design Festival in June 2022.

The prestigious event, which gathers hundreds of communication designers from all over the European continent (and beyond) is set to resume after a two year break, made necessary due  to the ongoing pandemic. It consists of exhibitions, talks, design walks, workshops, conferences, social events and of course the European Design Awards gala.

“We always go for cities that have a vibrant design scene but at the same time are the kind of  destinations that people are excited to visit” says Mr Demetrios Fakinos, the European Design Festival director and added “Tallinn is such a place: an attractive, innovative city that is immersed in the great nordic design culture. I’m sure that with the help of our local partner, the Estonian Design Centre, we will offer an inspiring event that will make everyone happy to  attend”.

The Head of Estonian Design Centre Ms Tiia Vihand asserts: ‘‘We believe that European Design Awards Festival has a significant impact on local design community, as well as helps us to spread the word about the impact of design in our society generally. We feel very honored and excited that next year we can host the event in Tallinn.‘‘
‘‘We are also grateful for City of Tallinn for their contribution and willingness to bring European Design Awards to Tallinn,‘‘ emphasizes Ms Vihand.

The ED-Festival has since 2007 been hosted in cities like Stockholm, Zurich, Rotterdam, Helsinki, Istanbul, Vienna, Porto and Oslo, to name a few. Its mission is to celebrate European  design, facilitate designers to meet, be inspired and build networks, but also to help promote  the design discipline to wider audiences. “Being selected to host European Design Awards in 2022 is a great recognition to Estonia as an excellent location for international high-level conferences and events. We are extremely proud that Tallinn will be joining the outstanding lineup of EDAwards hosts cities and we are ready to impress the international design community!“ adds Kadri Karu, Managing Director of Estonian Convention Bureau.


*Photo credit: Tõnu Tunnel
