Student Projects Category 2014: Prize

December 1, 2013

The best entry in this category will be awarded with:

  • An ED-Awards trophy
  • 1.000 euros in cash
  • Transportation from any European city to Cologne
  • Accommodation in Cologne (3 nights) 
  • Entrance to the ED Awards 2014 Conference and Ceremony
  • Finally, an internship with Beetroot design group!

Betroot Design Group is one of Europe’s top design agencies which constantly attracts talented employees and ambitious clients. Its work is known internationally and has won scores of awards (among them ED-Awards 2008 Agency of the Year).

They will interview the winner of this category on the day of the conference in Cologne. If he/she fits Beetroot Design Group’s profile he/she will be offered a six month internship at the studio.
